Collecting the News

A Digital Scrapbook of TV News

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Collecting the News

CTN is a virtual museum dedicated to some of my favorite things: television news, history and food. Enjoy!

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See the Collection

The artifacts featured on this site were collected, primarily, during a four-decade career as a photojournalist with CNN. Compiled from all seven continents, they are pieces of history gathered while news was occurring.

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Journalism has been called the first rough draft of history. When television was invented, it’s first rough draft of history would include moving pictures, and sound! Eventually that history would play out “live” on screens across the world.

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News Literacy

The biggest challenge facing today’s consumers of news is selecting reliable sources. Currently, many media outlets seek to increase viewership by providing news people want to hear or opinions that conform to presumed facts. Not necessarily credible news. That is why news literacy is so important!

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Looking for the best restaurants in town? I've eaten in every U.S. state and on all seven continents. Take advantage of my experience and read my travel food blog!

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Thank you, Mr. Turner

For years journalism has been referred to as the first rough draft of history. If that is true, it follows that images on television news can be considered the instant, first rough draft of history. This website has been created to celebrate that history. The memorabilia, highlighted on the following pages, has been collected to commemorate various important news events that played out on television screens around the world. Today those stories have migrated to computer screens, smart phones and a plethora of other digital platforms. This site is also offered as a tribute to Ted Turner, the visionary who is responsible for 24-hour television news.

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