Dear David,
When President Kennedy was once asked his opinion of the press, he said, “I think they are doing their task…and I am attempting to do mine. We are going to live together for a period, and then go our separate ways.” As we go our separate ways, it is fair to say that covering a Presidential campaign is not easy – particularly our last 96 hours. Living out of a suitcase, and spending days and weeks away from family and friends can be difficult, nonetheless, I trust that there were some pleasant experiences along the way.
Since the election, I’ve been keeping busy wrapping up loose ends. Thanking those who supported my campaign, and planning the next chapter of my life. Perhaps our paths will cross in the future, but in any event, please let me know if I can ever be of assistance – – maybe get you tickets to a Brooklyn Dodgers game.
Elizabeth joins me in wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season.
Best Regards,
Bob Dole
I followed Senator Dole from the Iowa caucuses, through the primaries, to the Republican National Convention. Throughout the campaign, Dole was occasionally accused of being old and forgetful. At one stop he referred to the Los Angeles Dodger as the Brooklyn Dodgers. Opponents said it showed his age. Dole just made a joke out of it. That’s why he mentioned the Brooklyn Dodgers in his farewell letter. He always treated the traveling press corps with respect and maintained a unique sense of humor throughout the entire difficult process.