Pink Wool Winter Uniform

Winter Uniform Bosniac Army

Sarajevo 1992

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When war broke out in Bosnia, the Bosniac government lacked proper uniforms for their soldiers.

As the winter months neared, the need for cold weather uniforms became a necessity. The government decided to take advantage of the tailor shops in the old-town section of Sarajevo.

Since the city was surrounded by Bosnian Serb forces, the Bosniacs had to make due with existing supplies of cloth already in the city. The only wool cloth available came in three colors: white, grey and pink. The white wool worked well because it provided camouflage against the snow. The grey material was fairly neutral but the pink wool tended to be a but embarrassing.

I was told that soldiers reluctantly agreed to wear the pink uniforms when it was cold, but got rid of them as soon as the weather began to warm up.