Sniper Warning Signs

Warning sign posted on Cobanija Street

Downtown Sarajevo, during the war

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This sign was posted outside a building on Cobanija Street in downtown Sarajevo.

It was at a very busy intersection that attracted snipers from the shell-pocked, high-rise buildings in Grbavica, on the other side of the Miljacka River. Many civilians, out looking for food, wood and water, had to cross the street and were exposed to the deadly sniper fire. Many Bosnians were killed or wounded.

Being careful not to endanger anyone by removing the sign while the snipers were present, I waited until the fighting stopped to remove the sign. After getting it home it was displayed at the Newseum in Washington, DC. On the twentieth anniversary of the war, I brought the sign back to Sarajevo for use in CNN’s Bosnian War anniversary program.